Colour Points

It’s been so long since I wrote a photography post so today I will be writing about ‘Colour Points’.

So many of you might wonder, what exactly is a ‘Colour Point’? Well, basically it’s taking out only a certain colour you want from a photograph. For example, if you like the green colour in a certain scene, but do not like the red, simply adjust your camera (under Camera Settings > Filters / Colour Points) and select Green Point. The picture will only have green in colour form while the rest of the colours are black and white.

Here’s some examples:

Original Photo:


Blue Point:


Green Point:


Red and Yellow Point:


Hope that you will be able to take great photographs from these examples!

*Photos taken using Samsung Galaxy S3 Phone Camera

Being Creative

Sometimes in Photography, we have to learn to be creative in order to stand out from the other photographs. Using your imagination or maybe what you have around you will help you make your photo more interesting and original.

For example, if you are wearing Spectacles, 



just like in the picture, the speactacles are used to make 2 of the Airport Tower.


Next, you can use any ‘reflective’ glass to make a ‘mirror image’.


Can you see that the Airport Tower is almost symmetrical?

And here, the Airport Tower is used as a reflection to be seen from another angle.


And another example of a River.



You may also take photos as you travel. For example– Railway tracks make good photos for ‘Leading Lines’



Next would be contrast in pair with lines. Contrast is basically the opposite theme of the other. Let this picture explain.



Another creative reflection would be the use of spoons where it creates a convex/concave effect.



Sometimes, setting the exposure component (ISO) and lighting to a low number is an advantage to take ‘vintage’-like photos.



Leading Lines- to a centre if you are doing a theme on Environment.


LENS. Making use of the Lens is another creative way to take unique photos.

Below are some photos with explanation on how it is taken.


As you take your photo with a slightly slower shutter speed based on your desired preference, zoom in your DSLR Lens at the same time so that the area zoomed in will appear to be moving (please read my post about ‘Shutter Speed’ if you have not).




Same like the above one, zooming in makes the Light appear to be glowing as the slow shutter speed makes it leave light trails behind to appear as if it is glowing.



If you have really stable hands, try putting your camera at a faster speed and turn the lens clockwise while leaving the camera stable in its position.




Being Creative, Consider how this photo is taken.


I hope by reading this you may get inspired to take more photos and be more creative.


So besides the photographic posts, it’s time for a tech post!

Many of you have been asking me how to take screenshots like those on the web.

So here’s a step by step guide into how to take a screenshot.

*The method used below are only suitable for Windows users.

There are 2 different methods:


  • If you are a Windows 7 user, the one simple method is to go to ‘Snipping tool’.   Image
  • It could also be easily found on the search toolbar located on the Start button Image. Simply type into the search bar and there you have it!


  • Show what you want to be screenshot on the screen. Press [fn] and insert/[prt sc] at the same time.
  • *[prt sc] stands for print screen. If your computer model does not have the buttons (insert) and [prt sc] together, look for any key that has [prt sc].
  • [fn] is in a box, so basically the function of [fn] is to change the function of a button to the functions in the ‘box’ in the buttons. So therefore, pressing [fn] and a button with any [ ] square shaped sign simply changes the functions of the button! 🙂
  • The second method is to go to the start  Image > search: Paint  > click and open> press paste >You’re done!
  • If you want to take ONLY a selection, do remember to select and cut to your desired screenshot.

I hope you have learnt how to screenshot after this post!

Do like, comment and share if you have any feedback as this is my first post about computer- related problems. 🙂

Shutter Speed Photography

City Lights. Cars moving. Wanted to take a photo of the trails of cars moving but don’t know how? Well the key to this is shutter speed.

Now the basic is understanding the basic functions of shutter speed.

Shutter speed mainly means how fast the shutter in the camera closes to absorb all light and images into the camera.

Just like how your eyes blink, the camera has to be still in order to take a nice shot, whether its taking ‘still waterfalls’ or ‘trails of fast moving cars’.

To take the best shot, one has to use a tripod stand to make the camera stat still due to our shaky hands.

Now let’s take a look at the different photos produced by different shutter speed.

Photo courtesy of


The first windmill has a fast shutter speed of about 1/200 and that is why it appears ‘still’

The second windmill has a shutter speed of about 1/120 and that is why it has slight ‘trails’

Now the third windmill has a slow shutter speed of about 1/60 and that is why it appears with ‘trails’ of the windmill.

So what are you waiting for, get out there with your camera and tripod and go to street Photography wth Shutter speed!

Light makes a difference

Many of you wonder how to take good photos or collect more likes on instagram.
Well, firstly, light makes a difference to difference an average photo and a better one.

Let’s take a look. Below, we have a photo not under good lighting.


And now with light,


Well see the difference?
More colours are absorbed to the camera’s “eyes” so that every exact detail is seen in the photo.
The importance of light in photos is just like how u shoot with DSLRs (using lenses).

So remember when shooting, try and make use of the light around you!